Thursday, July 23, 2015

What we can learn for our Growth Strategy from the gardening movement

Here in the US are many excellent entrepreneurs and investors. Before I begin to write my Blog post, let me introduce myself, I am a finance guy and numbers are all that matters. But now I write a Blog post and yeah that’s a great new experience for me. What I have learned from the other Blog posts and from the tour at Russian Pointe and especially from the excursion at gardeneers  is that entrepreneurs and finance people have to be strong persons with a heart of courage.  They have to learn quick and go new ways and take the opportunities to reach success in their daily business life.

For me Adam Zmick, CEO & cofounder of gardeneers shows the image of a perfect leader which has a heart of courage and has a lot of empathy to the people who are around him. So I think I can learn a lot for my leadership skills from him and also set up his understanding to be a good leader in my team säft.

I believe someone who is developing a new business will need a portion of this self-understanding. Knowing that what you do is the right thing to do and trust in your self is what inspires other people. As a leader within your company it is therefore imminent that you inspire your employees. This inspiration I want to create at säft. Adam Zmick shows me by doing gardening how it works and how you create passion by your employees.

Moreover the gardening movement that nowadays exits in the US brings the social aspect in leadership. Not only entrepreneurs are looking for social aspects in their organizational structure also investors looking for investments with social aspects. Both groups want to make the world into a better place and do something for our environment we are live in also for our next generation.  The Corporate Social Responsibility effect has to be implemented in the growth strategy in all our new businesses or non-profit organizations like gardeneers. So the Corporate Social Responsibility effect depends on two big issues, on the one hand site social causes and on the other hand site health issues. A Corporate Social Responsibility strategy can help you to build a really good reputation and this effect has to be considered in your growth strategy.

This picture from an article by Bill Liabotis which was posted in the Ivey Business Journal shows exactly how important it is to implement a good customer-focused strategy that let growing your business. gardeneers shows that they really good implemented the CSR effect in their growth strategy, because they take both issues in their concept. Moreover they have a customer-focused strategy due to the fact that they offer every student around Chicago to have the opportunity to learn about nutrition, connect with their community and teach the student that they have a better understanding of their role in the world around them. gardeneers core values can be descripted as learning about nutrition, environment and connect with community. Nevertheless they do something for children and the youth, especially those who have no ability to live a better life. säft also implement Corporate Social Responsibility in our growth strategy. Therefore we create the following core values: individualism, inspiration and innovation and we connect these core values with people, planet and profit. We care in our growth strategy about our employees and all other stakeholders. Moreover all team members react in a respectful way to each other; this lets us building a really good team spirit all around säft.
So to sum up, the day with gardeneers CEO & cofounder Adam Zmick let me think about leadership, organizational culture and growth strategies. All these three aspects have to come together and must fit to create a successful new business. Moreover I spend a really nice morning with my team members from säft and create something that is for the environment. For säft it is really important to deliver and create such things. Nevertheless I learn something about myself that numbers are important but the community and environment, too.

A garden should make you feel you've entered privileged space -- a place not just set apart but reverberant -- and it seems to me that, to achieve this, the gardener must put some kind of twist on the existing landscape, turn its prose into something nearer poetry.”  - Michael Pollan

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